Thursday, September 6, 2007

Outward Bound Learning : Truly Amazing !

Today we at Hult International B school experienced what is called the OutWard Bound Learning process.More Information on this program here . It is essentially a working in teams exercise, where a team is asked perform a series of activities some as mundane as trying to balance a small aluminium rod with using just one finger and others as complex as building a raft from scratch and making it float. The experience of building the raft by using barrels, bamboos, and ropes and trying to sail was by far the most fabulous one.

Apart from the fun we had in building the raft by Strategizing, planning, designing and executing the actual plan, the way a bunch of folks worked as a team (some of them in the team were meeting each other for the first time) to achieve the goal was fabulous.There cannot be a better example of how the "target" or the "goal", makes people work together as a single Entity . Every member of the team helped in his or her own way to make the raft float and sail . And yes our team's raft did float and the picture is of the team which accomplished it :) .
I would recommend this program to any corporate which has just hired a new team for a new project and want the team to get going on the task at the earliest. Signing off hoping that OutWard Bound continues to build such innovative programs for the student and corporate world.

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